Ways to Help by Donating
Donating On-Line:
You can quickly make a one-time donation or sign up for recurring donations by utilizing the Give Here button below and on other pages on our site.
Physical Donations:
Thrift Store Donations
NOTE: If you are dropping off donations, please do so during our hours of operation or make an appointment. Leaving donations outside are a hazard and the donation may be damaged by the weather.
Non Perishable Food: (items most needed)
- canned tuna
- canned ham, chicken or fish
- low sodium canned vegetables, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce
- low sodium/natural sauces, marinades, dressings
Personal Care Items:
- deodorant
- liquid hand soap
- adult and children’s toothpaste
- tooth brushes
- shampoo
- baby needs items
- feminine hygiene products
- dish soap
- dog and cat food (unopened and unexpired only)
Assorted Items: (new or gently used) **Please click below to see a list of items we are currently accepting and DO NOT accept for our thrift store.
Monetary donation:
- donations can be made by mail, in person, or electronically by Clicking Here
- donations can be made “in memory of” or “In honor of”. Names will appear in our bi-annual newsletter that goes out to over 14,000 addresses in Cudahy and St. Francis
- will/bequests of cash or assets or Charitable Giving accounts
Donations for Special programs:
- children’s birthdays – cake mix and frosting
- holiday children’s gift giving program – a gift for a specific child or a donation of toys or money
- school supplies – basic school supplies or money
- holiday food baskets – Thanksgiving turkeys, Easter hams, Christmas turkeys or hams or sides to round out a holiday meal